uzra mohiuddin

uzra mohiuddin

A revolutionist and a passionate writer at heart with an ardent inclination to learn since younger years, I have had an enriching writing experience for diverse industries across multiple platforms. After a series of career hops post my masters, I realized my forte lied in using the pen. A writer at core, blogging has given me a blank canvas to paint my thoughts and experiences and learn with the stride as well.

uzra mohiuddin

Useful Web Design Checklist
Website Design,

The Ultimate Incredibly Useful Web Design Checklist

July 9, 2014 uzra mohiuddin 0

Web designing can be a complicated process, even for seasoned veterans. There are several things you need to keep in mind, and several bases that have to be touched before the design is called final. A website designer could be dealing simultaneously with several ends, from interacting with the client, to designing, coding, and testing. […]

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