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Why it Matters and How to Optimize Content for  Discover Feed

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Google Discover is an updated and refurbished version of Google Feed including news, photos, video content, latest blog posts, and evergreen content to increase user interaction through multiple content modes.

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Google Discover helps present the data in a more interesting way to the users by transitioning from ‘text’ to an improved visual discovery by focusing on users’ experience to provide relevant online content.

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Google Discover works by keeping on learning about search patterns and providing the most suitable content at the right time. It tracks online, web, and application activities, locations, including its history and settings. Based on these, it suggests suitable content.

Features of Google Discover include following & unfollowing topics of their choice, getting info in a query-less way, controlling the frequency of specific content, and managing their interests by manually selecting interest topics.

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Users can get Google Discover by searching in the Google app. Android and iOS phone users or tablet owners can find Discover in the browser on Users can access it by swiping right on the mobile home screen on some devices.

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A user can enable or disable Google Discover, choose their preferred language, add an icon to their mobile home screen, and customize it based on their likes and interests.

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Google Discover is crucial to SEO and content strategy because it helps businesses reach out to their target audience, explore and engage in new content types, and analyze overall business traffic over a longer period in Search Console.

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To create and optimize content in the Google Discover feed, it is important to create quality content, post timely, focus on EAT (Expertise, Authoritativeness & Trustworthiness) of the content, and get Schema implementation as per SEO.

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Create engaging images and videos, get your website optimized for accelerated mobile pages, use Web stories to reach out to users providing quality content, and implement best SEO practices.

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Google Discover can be a great tool for a business or an individual to optimize their content. Explore the endless possibilities that this medium offers irrespective of whether you are a business owner, a marketer, or even a blogger.

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