.COM vs .ORG vs .NET vs .CO vs .IO Which Top Level Domain is Better?

Lined Circle

A domain name is the unique name given to a website. It has two parts - the name and the extension.

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The extension, known as Top Level Domain, is of three types

    Generic domain extension

    Sponsored domain extension

   Country code domain extension

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Choosing the right generic TLD is crucial to success. The representation


ecommerce, commercial businesses, bloggers

network based technologies


non profit organisation

company or corporation






.com is a more popular TLD extension than .net. Most businesses opt for .net extension if .com is unavailable.

.com  vs  .net


Both convey different meanings. Charities, open source platforms, free educators use .org.

.com  vs  .org

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.com  vs  .co

They are rival extensions. However, .co is more expensive and its website owners find it difficult to brand themselves effectively.

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Both are used by commercial organizations. But, .biz represent a business focused on profit.

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.com  vs  .biz

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Choose a TLD extension based on industry niche, versatility, cost, trustworthiness and memorability.


Read this blog

White Scribbled Underline

to know why .com is the most pouplarly used TLD extension